Boundless Compassion – A Lenten Study - Led by Rev. Nancy Talbott
5 Weeks, Wednesday Evenings from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM
Potluck and Class
Dates: March 12, 19, 26, and April 2, 9
As followers of Christ, compassion grounds and empowers us as we navigate complex
relationships and engage with the world around us. Together, we will explore various aspects of
Sessions 1 and 2: Compassion for Self
Discover the role of self-compassion in nurturing your well-being.
Sessions 3 and 4: Compassion for Others
Learn to cultivate empathy and kindness while addressing barriers to
compassion. Explore the power of compassion for the wider world.
Session 5: Compassion in Action
Share strategies for maintaining a compassionate mindset beyond
the Season of Lent.
Join us for good food and conversation that will expand our hearts and minds while
deepening our faith.